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放大字体缩小字体 发布日期:2017-06-16浏览次数:
1. Zhang, Q., Qu, G. H., Tang, Y. H., et al., Subluminal to superluminal light propagation in a V-type three-level atomic system interacting with squeezed vacuum. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(2). SCI:000300636700032
2. Tang, Y. H., Cao, X. G., Liu, H. C., et al., Partially light-controlled imager based on liquid crystal plate and image intensifier for aurora and airglow measurement. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(12):1968-1975. SCI:000303262200018
3. Shi, W., Ji, W. L., and Jia, W. L., Investigation of ultra-wideband electromagnetic radiation based on SI-GaAs photoconductive switches. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2012, 54(4):900-904. SCI:000300670000016
4. Li, E. L., Zhao, T., Zhao, D. N., et al., Study of the Synthesis and Field Emission Characteristics of One-Dimensional Gan Nanostructures. Surface Review and Letters, 2012, 19(2). SCI:000304427500003
5. Li, E. L., Hou, L. P., Cui, Z., et al., Electronic Structures and Transport Properties of Single Crystalline Gan Nanotubes. Nano, 2012, 7(3). SCI:000307045000001
6. Li, E. L., Cui, Z., Liu, M. C., et al., First-Principles Study on Transport Properties of Saturated Single Crystalline GaN Nanotubes. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2012, 137134-142. SCI:000305253400019
7. Hou, L., Shi, W., Han, X. W., et al., Enhanced terahertz emission from photoconductive antenna with ohmic contact electrodes biased by out-of-phase voltages. Electronics Letters, 2012, 48(13):780-781. SCI:000306707700026
8. Cheng, S., Lu, H. M., Shi, Z. H., et al., Growth and photoluminescence character research of aluminum nitride nanowires upon carbon foam substrate. Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61(12). SCI:000306394400053
9. Cheng, S., Lu, H. M., and Cui, J. Y., Preparation of AlN/C composite foam through annealing recrystallization and its mechanical performance study. Acta Physica Sinica, 2012, 61(3). SCI:000301008900050
10. Xu, M., Shi, W., Jiang, Z. G., et al., Experimental Research on Inhibition of Surface Flashover based on High Power Gallium Arsenide Photoconductive Switches Triggered by Laser. Plasma Science & Technology, 2011, 13(6):672-675. SCI:000298668900007
11. Tian, L. Q., Shi, W., and Feng, Q. Q., Breakover mechanism of GaAs photoconductive switch triggering spark gap for high power applications. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110(9). SCI:000297062100117
12. Tang, Y. H., Qin, L., Gao, H. Y., et al., Instrument forward model of the modified Sagnac interferometer for atmospheric wind measurement. Optics Communications, 2011, 284(12):2672-2677. SCI:000290692900010
13. Shi, W., Xue, H., Li, N., et al., Fiber-Optically Triggered Four Parallel GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches. Plasma Science & Technology, 2011, 13(6):747-750. SCI:000298668900021
14. Shi, W. and Ma, X. R., Peculiar Transmission Characteristics of the Large Gap Semi-Insulating GaAs Photoconductive Switch. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(12). SCI:000298347300036
15. Shi, W., Ma, C., Hou, L., et al., Velocity of current filament at the high gain mode of GaAs power photoconductive switches. Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2011, 406(19):3741-3744. SCI:000294114800040
16. Shi, W., Jia, J. Q., Ji, W. L., et al., Flashover in Back-Triggered Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(1). SCI:000285966900029
17. Shi, W., Hou, L., and Wang, X. M., High effective terahertz radiation from semi-insulating-GaAs photoconductive antennas with ohmic contact electrodes. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 110(2). SCI:000293476300012
18. Li, E. L., Cui, Z., Dai, Y. B., et al., Synthesis and field emission properties of GaN nanowires. Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(24):10850-10854. SCI:000295540800089
19. Jia, W. L., Hou, L., Chen, S. G., et al., Thermal Stability of Gaas Photoconductive Terahertz Antenna. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2011, 53(10):2393-2395. SCI:000293991300054
20. Gao, H. Y., Tang, Y. H., Hua, D. X., et al., Modified super-wide-angle Sagnac imaging interferometer based on LCoS for atmospheric wind measurement. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2011, 112(2):268-276. SCI:000285896600016
21. Gao, H. Y., Tang, Y. H., Hua, D. X., et al., Study on the wide-angle Michelson interferometer with large air gap. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(29):5655-5661. SCI:000296066600007
22. Wei Shi, Guanghui Qu, Ming Xu, Hong Xue, Weili Ji, Lin Zhang, and Liqiang Tian. Current limiting effects of photoactivated charge domain in semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive switch,Appl. Phys. Lett. 94,1(2009),SCI:000263599200041 EI: 20090911935543
23. Wei Shi,, Lei Hou, Zheng Liu, and Thomas Tongue. Terahertz generation from SI-GaAs stripline antenna with different structural parameters. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2009 , 26(9), A107 SCI:000270115100016 EI: 20093812324912
24. Wei Shi, Liqiang Tian et al, 30 kV and 3 kA semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches , Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 4(2008), SCI:000252860400119 EI:080611089530
25. Liqiang Tian, Wei Shi et al, Mechanism analysis of periodicity and weakening surge of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89,20(2006),SCI:000257326000049
26. Wei Shi et al, A Novel Application of GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch in Triggering Spark Gap, Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on April,37,4( 2009) Page(s):615 – 619 2012513 SCI: 000265376400012, EI: 20092012084927
27. Liqiang Tian and Wei Shi, Analysis of operation mechanism of semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switches, Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 12(2008) SCI:000257284100115 EI:082811369467
28. Liqiang Tian and Wei Shi, Multiple charge domains model for the lock-on effect in GaAs power photoconductive switches, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics ,41, 11 (2008), SCI:000256172200021 EI:082311302034
29. Liqiang Tian and Wei Shi, Mechanism of current oscillations in gallium arsenide photoconductive semiconductor switches, Chinese Physics Letters, 25, 7(2008), SCI:321SE
30. Tian Liqiang and Shi Wei, Delayed-Dipole Domain Mode of Semi-Insulating GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors,2007,28(6) 819-822 EI:072710692139
31. Liqiang Tian and Wei Shi, Qutenched-domain mode of photo-activated charge domain in semi-insulating GaAs devices, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors,29,10(2008), EI:084711720152
32. Zhang Xian-bin,Shi Wei et al,Surface emitting THz wave parametrical oscillator using MgO : LiNbO3, Chin. Phys. Lett ,4,11(2007)SCI:000250642400037
33. SHI Wei, HOU Lei, Theoretical study of field intensity of THz radiation from GaAs large-aperture photoconductive antennas Chin. Phys. Lett. 2006, 23(10): 2867-2870 SCI: 091PH
34. Li,EL et al, Study of geometric structure, electronic state and stability of GanPm clusters, Journal of molecular structure-theochem,723(1-3):79-84 (2005) SCI:932PQ
35. Li Enling,Wang xuewen, Characteristic Analysis on GaN Nanocrystallin Powder Prepared in Sol-gel Method, Surface Review and Letters (SRL) [J],2007,14(6)
36. Li,Enling et al, Design of 2.1GHz low noise amplifier, J.China Univ.Post Telecom. 13,1(2006) EI:063610101421
37. Wang Xinmei , Shi Wei et al,Transient Characteristics of a Nonlinear GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch,JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS, 29(6):1108,2008
38. TANG YuanHe, LIU MingJun, LIU HanChen, DU YuFei, LIU Kai, GAOHaiYang,Correction of charge packet transfer rate in CCD,Proc. of SPIE, Vol.6621:66210N-1-8,2008,EI:081411181216
39. Huimin Lv, Guangde Chen et al, Synthesis of monocrystal aluminum nitride nanowires at low temperature, Journal of Applied Physics, 2007,101(5):3526-3529. SCI:146PB
40. Lv Hui-Min, Chen Guang-De, Yan Guo-Jun,Ye Hong-gang, Synthesis of hexagonal momocrystal AlN microtubes and nanowires at low temperature, Chinese Physics, 2007,16 (9):2814-2817 SCI:209MM
41. TANG YuanHe, GAO HaiYang, DU YuFei, LIU HanChen, LIU Kai, LIUMingJun,The electron’s velocity direction through the magnetic mirror field for the low-light imaging system,Proc. of SPIE, Vol.6621:662121-1-11, 2008,EI: 081411181217
42. Yue Wang ,Wei Shi; Photoluminescence and Optical Absorption Properties of InGaN/GaN Single Quantum Well Grown by MOVPE(A) ,Chinese Journal of Luminescence,28,3( 2007),407-411
43. SHI Wei, SUN Xiao Fang, ZENG Jun, JIA Wan Li ,Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz Radiation in Large-Aperture Photoconductive Antenna, Proceeding of The International Symposium on Photoeletronic Detection and Imaging:Technology and Applications 2007, EI: 082111271878
44. Wei Shi , Lei Hou,Study of THz radiation intensity generating from GaAs dipole antenna, Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics EI: 083811559884
45. Wei Shi, Xianbin Zhang, Jun Zeng, Chengju Ma, Xinwu Su, Circuit design of partial gating image based on Cyclone II and HTPS , Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics(EI:08381159933)
46. SHI Wei, LIU Zheng Optical Dominated High Power Sub-nanosecond Pulse System , Proc. of SPIE, International Symposium on Photoeletronic Detection and Imaging: Technology and Applications, EI:081411179398
47. Deming Ma, Ke Wang, Zheng Liu, Wei Shi ,Study of liquid crystal based on auto-controlling light intensity,Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2006.9 EI收录
48. Lei Hou , Xiao fang Sun , Wei Shi, Experimental and Theoretical Study of THz Radiation in Far Field Generating from GaAs Large Aperture Photoconductive Antenna, Proc. of the 31st International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics EI:083811563301
49. Shi Wei, Liao Xue, Liu Zheng, Ma De Ming,Investigation of semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive switches triggered by semiconductor lasers ,Proc. of SPIE, International Symposium on Photoeletronic Detection and Imaging: Technology and Applications
50. Du Yufei,Tang Yuanhe, Liu Kai, Ning Hui, Design and study of an new crepuscular CCD. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics (17-22 September,2006,Xi’an China),EI: 071710574687
51. Ning Hui, Tang Yuanhe, On the relationship between the luminance of bubble in water and the CCD Gray Pattern. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on 27th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics (17-22 September,2006,Xi’an China),EI:071810580812
52. Shi Wei,Jia Wanli,and Ji Weili,Ultra -Wideband Electromagnetic Radiation from GaAs Photoconductive Switche ,Chinese Journal of Semiconductors.26,1(2005)EI收录
53. Dai GUi ying,Shi Wei, Hou Jun Yan ,Effect of impurities with deep energy level in high biased field on delay time of semi-insulating GaAs photoconductive switches,IRMMW-THz 2006-31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics,EI:081411179392
54. Xue Hong, Shi Wei ,Theoretical studies of linear and nonlinear ultra-wideband microwave generation based on photoconductive semiconductor switches,RMMW-THz 2006-31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics,EI:083811559602
55. Shi Wei, Liao Xue, Liu Zheng, Hou Lei,Investigation of the experiment about series photoconductive switches triggered by ns lasers pulse,Prco. SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 6838,2008 EI收录
56. SHI Wei, Wang Ke ,Studying of the temporal characteristic of THz from photoconductor switches, Prco. SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng, 6622,2008
57. Ming Xu,Wei Shi,Electrics characteristic of terahertz generation with GaAs photoconductive dipole antenna,IRMMW-THz 2006-31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics EI:083811559596
58. Shi Wei, Xue, Hong, Ma, Xiangrong, Zhang, Zhenzhen. Intense Terahertz Radiation from GaAs Photoconductive Antenna Array. Conference Information: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2009), MAR 23-27, 2009 SCI:BKH38
59. ShiWei, ZhangJian, WuShengjiang,ChenSuguo, MaCheng. Streamer mode in high gain gallium arsenide photoconductive switches. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, p 1227-1230, 2009,EI:20094712461340
60. Shi Wei, Liu Rui, Wang JingLi. Effects of EL2 deep level in GaAs photoconductive switch. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol.7385, p.73851R, 2009 EI:20094812500415
61. Shi Wei, Zhen-Zhen Zhang, Hou Lei, Liu Zheng. Terahertz generation from Si-GaAs photoconductive dipole antenna with different electrode gaps. Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 7385, 73851P ,2009 EI:20094812500413
62. Wei Shi, Zhen-Zhen Zhang, Lei Hou. Analysis of electrical field distribution in terahertz SI-GaAs photoconductive antennas. Lasers & Electro Optics & The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2009. CLEO/PACIFIC RIM ’09. Conference on 30-3 Aug. 2009 EI:20095012544268
63. Shi, Wei ; Hou, Lei ; Liu, Zheng. Terahertz generation from si-gaas stripline antenna with different structural parameters. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009 – 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. EI: 20095012544049
64. Ma, Xiangrong ; Shi, Wei ; Xue, Hong, ; Ji, Weili. The transmission characteristic of GaAs photoconductive semiconductor switch. CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009 – 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. EI:20095012544095
65. Yuanhe Tang, Guangde Chen, Chunmin Zhang, Yunlong Lin, Hanchen Liu,Kai Liu,Optimization of the Modified Sagnac Imaging Interferometer for Full Compensation ,Proc. of SPIE, 2007, Vol. 6279: 62791G-1-6. EI: 071710574543
66. Ma Li; Gao Yong. A super junction SiGe low-loss fast switching power diode. Chinese Physics B 18, 1(2009)p303-30 SCI: 000262494700049
67. 施卫,王馨梅,侯磊, 高增益双层组合GaAs光电导开关设计与实验研究, 物理学报,57(11):7185,2008(SCI收录)
68. 施 卫,贾婉丽,纪卫莉等.光电导开关工作模式的蒙特卡罗模拟物理学报,2007,56(11) EI:075110983822
69. 施卫 屈光辉 王馨梅,半绝缘GaAs光电导开关非线性电脉冲超快上升特性研究,物理学报(2009,58卷,第一期)SCI:000262834300074
70. 贾婉丽,纪卫莉,施卫.半绝缘GaAs光电导开关产生THz电磁波电场屏蔽效应的二维Monte Carlo模拟, 物理学报2007 Vol.56(4) SCI:000245844300033
71. 施卫等. 半绝缘GaAs光电导开关体内热电子的光电导振荡特性. 物理学报, 2009, (12) :8554-8559
72. 施卫 田立强等, 高压超大电流光电导开关及其击穿特性研究,物理学报(2009,58卷,第二期)SCI: 000263758200086
73. 施 卫,贾婉丽,纪卫莉等,光电导开关工作模式的蒙特卡罗模拟,物理学报,2007,56(11) (SCI 收录)
74. 张显斌,施卫, 基于可调谐准高斯波束太赫兹源的成像系统研究, 物理学报,57(8),2008,p4984 SCI:000258602600052
75. 张显斌,施卫, 基于耦合场量子受激拉曼散射的太赫兹波辐射,光学学报,28(5),2008,P1012 EI:083711525744
76. 李恩玲,马红,陈贵灿,王雪文,GanNm+(n=1~8,m=1~2)团簇的结构及稳定性的DFT研究,计算物理],2007,24(4)EI: 073410776710
77. 李恩玲,陈贵灿,王雪文,马德明,薛英,马红,从头计算对GanNm团簇的结构与稳定性的研究,原子与分子物理学报[J],2007,24(3),478-485
78. 李恩玲,马德明等.密度泛函理论对Sin-1N和Sin-2N2(n=3~9)离子团簇结构及其光电子能谱的研究,光学学报,2007,27(11)1920-1928
79. 李恩玲等Sin-1N和Sin-2N2(n=3~8)团簇结构与光振动能谱的研究,光子学报[J],2008,37(10):2024
80. 吕惠民, 陈光德.低温条件下单晶氮化铝纳米线生长机理的研究,物理学报 2007.05 SCI:169OP
81. 吕惠民,陈光德等,六方单晶氮化铝薄膜的合成与紫光发光机理。光子学报,2007,36(9):1604-1608(EI收录)
82. 唐远河,陈光德等.改型萨尼亚克成像干涉仪的光通量,光学学报 2007,27(8):EI:073810818472
83. 张显斌, 施卫.用短谐振腔结构优化THz电磁波参量振荡器的输出特性,物理学报 2006,55(10): 5237-5241 SCI: 094BW
84. 李恩玲等, GanN-m阴离子团簇的结构与稳定性的研究, 物理学报2006.05 SCI :042IR
85. 唐远河,解光勇. 基于粒子成像测速技术的水中气泡界面的光学性质研究, 物理学报2005.05 SCI:042IR EI:06239926358
86. 李恩玲, 杨成军. 第一性原理对GanPm小团簇的结构及稳定性的研究, 物理学报 2005 SCI:960DD
87. 贾婉丽、施卫、屈光辉等, GaAs光电导天线辐射太赫兹波功率的计算, 物理学报2008 SCI: 000259170800013 EI:084211645244
88. 贾婉丽、施卫、纪卫莉等, 半绝缘GaAs光电导开关亚皮秒传输特性的研究, 电子学报2008 EI:084511687086
89. 贾婉丽,施卫,纪卫莉, 光电导开关产生THz电磁波双极特性分析, 物理学报2007 Vol.56(7) SCI:000248134500035 EI: 07320754961
90. 贾婉丽等,半绝缘GaAs光电导开关产生太赫兹波电场屏蔽效应的二维Monte Carlo模拟, 物理学报 2007,04 SCI收录: 159CZ EI收录: 071910595313
91. 王馨梅,施卫等,非线性光电导开关载流子碰撞电离分析,光子学报,37(10):1958,2008,(EI收录)
92. 马德明,施卫等. Ga2Asn离子团簇结构及其光电子能谱研究. 光学学报2009,29(4):1032-1037 EI:20092012082775
93. 马丽,高勇等。半超结SiGe高压快速软恢复开关二极管. 物理学报,2009(1),529-535 SCI: 000262834300083
94. 马丽 高勇等,快速软恢复SiGe功率开关二极管的结构设计与特性分析,电子器件 2007年,30卷第4期p1255-1257
95. 马丽 高勇等,大功率低功耗快速软恢复SiGeC功率开关二极管,物理学报2007年,56卷第12期p 7236-7241
96. 屈光辉,施卫.光导开关中的感生电流与传导电流,物理学报2006,55(11): 6068-6072 SCI:103IX
97. 张琳等. 声悬浮场的激光全息干涉研究, 物理学报2005.05(SCI 收录)
98. 唐远河等. 基于镀膜四面角锥棱镜技术的上层大气风场探测研究, 物理学报2005.09 SCI :960DD
99. 王馨梅,施卫等. 光激发单极畴与耿氏偶极畴的物理机制比较, 半导体学报,29(10):1890,2008 EI:084711720163
100. 马德明等. 密度泛函理论对GamAsn团簇的结构及稳定性的研究, 原子与分子物理学报, 2008,25(4):984-990
101. 张显斌等,高性能85mm短腔光学参变振荡器的THz电磁波输出特性分析, 光学学报 2006.04(EI收录)
102. 唐远河,基于洛伦兹线型极光的上层大气风场探测模式研究,光学学报2005.06 EI:05289208537
103. 李恩玲等, GaN薄膜的制备及其振动光谱的密度泛函理论研究, 无机材料学报,2008, 23(6):1121(SCI收录)
104. 唐远河,卫星遥感探测上层大气风场的关键技术研究进展, 物理学进展2005.02(EI收录)
105. 吕惠民, 陈光德,电极形状与紫外探测器灵敏度关系的研究, 光子学报 2006年35卷7期,1052-1055 (EI收录)
106. 张显斌, 施 卫,用短谐振腔结构优化THz电磁波参量振荡器的输出特性,物理学报,2006,55(10): 5237-5241 SCI:094BW
107. 颜国君,陈光德,吕惠民,纳米六方相氮化铝的合成和光学性能研究,化学学报,06年64卷16期,1688-1692
108. 郭养昆,李恩玲等, (GaP)n, (GaP)n+和 (GaP)n- (n=1-6)团簇的几何结构与稳定性(A)原子与分子物理学报[J],2007,24(1),91-96
109. 马丽等,SiGeC异质结功率二极管通态特性研究,固体电子学研究与进展2008年9月 28卷第3期 p455-459
110. 李恩玲等,氮化镓中性和离子团簇结构与振动光谱的研究]. 光学学报, 2009, (12) :3248-3254
111. 李恩玲等,2.1GHz射频CMOS混频器设计(英文) ,电子器件,2009(2)
112. 李卿,唐远河等, 基于液晶局部选通系统的硬件算法的研究。应用光学,2009(5)
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