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放大字体缩小字体 发布日期:2017-06-16浏览次数:
  1. Wei Shi, Lei Hou, Wang Xinmei High effective tera- hertz radiation from semi-insulating-GaAs photoconductive antennas with ohmic contact electrodes Journal of Applied Physics 2011,110(2)
  2. Wei Shi, Chen MA, Lei Hou, Guangyong Xie, Liqiang Tian Velocity of current filament at the high gain mode of GaAs power photoconductive switches Physica B-Condensed Matte 2011,406(19)
  3. Wei Shi, Jiqiang Jia, Weili Ji Flashover in Back-Triggered Photoconductive Semiconductor Switch Chinese Physics letters 2011,28(1)
  4. Shi Wei,Ma Xiang-rong Peculiar Transmission Characteristics of the Large Gap Semi-Insulating GaAs Photoconductive Switch Chinese Physics letters 2011,28(12)
  5. Shi Wei, Xue Hong, Li Ning, Chen Suguo, Dai Ruijuan Fiber-Optically Triggered Four Parallel GaAs Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches Plasma Science & Technology 2011,13(6)
  6. En-Ling Li, Zhen Cui, Yuanbin Dai, Danna Zhao, Tao Zhao Synthesis and field emission properties of GaN nanowires Applied Surface Science 2011,25(7)
  7. Gao-HY, Tang Yuanhe, Hua-DX, Liu-HC Study on the wide-angle Michelson interferometer with large air gap Applied Optics      2011,50(29)
  8. Tang Yuanhe, Qin-L, Gao-HY, Wang-DY Instrument forward model of the modified Sagnac interferometer for atmospheric wind measurement Optics Communications 2011,284(12)
  9. Gao-HY, Tang Yuanhe, Qin-L, Zhu-C Modified super-wide-angle Sagnac imaging interferometer based on LCoS for atmospheric wind measurement Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 2011,112(2)
  10. 吕惠民,石振海,Zhao-C,Wei-P Preparation and mechanism analysis of hollow microspheres/reticulated composite carbon foam 物理学报 2010,59(11)
  11. Tian Liqiang, Shi Wei, Feng QingQing Breakover mechanism of GaAs photoconductive switch triggering spark gap for high power applications Journal of Applied Physics 2011,110(9)
  12. SQ Wang, and Wei Shi Thermal Stability of GaAs Photoconductive TeraHertz Antenna Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 2011,53(10)
  13. Xu Ming, Shi Wei, Jiang Zenggong, Wang Shaoqiang, Fu Zhanglong Experimental research on inhibition of surface flashover based on high power gallium arsenide photoconductive switches triggered by laser Plasma Science & Technology 2011,13(6)
  14. 张琴,金康,唐远河,屈光辉 V型三能级原子的辐射压力和激光冷却 物理学报 2011,60(5)
  15. Tang Yuanhe, Zhang-RX, Gao-HY, 等 Partially light-controlled imaging system based on High Temperature Poly-Silicon Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display Optics Express 2010,18(10)
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